The Hot Fix features relevant solutions to challenges highlighted in current coverage. Five articles. Five solutions. Let’s go!

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Digital Transformation & Innovation

MEV is the custom dev shop that supports Cartier, LG and Intuit and brought LINK by Fastener to life. Apropos of this issue of The Hot Fix, MEV is an engine for change… here’s how:

MEV’s Digital Transformation track focuses on streamlining complex, legacy systems into modern, interoperable solutions that are transforming the way businesses operate. Supporting engineering leaders, this approach is not just about adapting to the cloud; it's about reimagining how enterprises can thrive in a digital-first, AI era.
MEV's Innovation track is propelling companies to launch new ventures rapidly and efficiently, supporting CIOs and VPs of Innovation. From incubation hubs to entrepreneur-in-residence programs, MEV is enabling businesses to fast-track growth and navigate the challenges of today's dynamic market landscape.

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| The Hot Fix

Measure Studio - Al-powered social media analytics suite, centralizes data from all major social platforms, with features like hourly/daily post-level data, automated benchmarking, and Al content analysis.

Partners: Pepsi, Mattel, Vox Media, BBC, IGN

| The Hot Fix

Nota - This suite of AI-powered tools automates many tedious editorial tasks for publishers, increasing their efficiency and content output while improving audience engagement.

Partners: LA Times, McClatchy, Lee Enterprises, Penske Media, Nexstar

| The Hot Fix

Seedtag- Empowers publishers to generate revenue and maintain audience trust in a cookieless future by providing advanced contextual advertising solutions that deliver relevant ads without compromising user privacy.

Partners: PMC, Fandom, SHE Media, Valnet, Future plc

| The Hot Fix

GoGo CTV - Solves for the complexity and optimization of CTV advertising, providing a user-friendly ad server, access to top demand partners, and maximizes revenue through expert, in-house ad management and advanced technology.

| The Hot Fix

Dailymotion - Dailymotion is an online video platform that provides hosting, transcoding, streaming, asset management, analytics, monetization, and custom implementation services for businesses and professionals in the video space.

Partners: L'Équipe, BeIN Sports, RCS (La Gazzetta dello Sport, Corriere della Sera), Canal RCN, Audacy

Fastener for Publishers - Leverage Fastener’s free solutions matchmaking service including 45+ providers that solve current and ongoing challenges across departments in the publisher org, plus demand development, talent development and M&A buy and sell side.

Fastener for Solution Providers - Gain a growing team of 20 including former SVPs up to C-Suite to support your PubDev, Demand Development, Talent Development and M&A buy and sell side.

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